Akud deg Uad Damran, Western Sahara tura
Tɛeṭṭel temrint-nwen s 0.3 n tasinin .
Ahad, Furar 19, 2025, n yimalas 8
Uad Damran switches to GMT at 03:00 on Acer, Furar 23. The time is set yiwen n usrag back.
Iṭṭij ↑ 08:24 ↓ 19:47 (11r 23m) - Ugar n yisallen - Make Uad Damran time default - Rnu i tezgiwin ifazzen
Iṭṭij ↑ 08:24 ↓ 19:47 (11r 23m) - Ugar n yisallen - Make Uad Damran time default - Rnu i tezgiwin ifazzen